Category Archives: News and Stories

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.

Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold. Her early leaf’s a flower; But only so an hour. Then leaf subsides to leaf. So Eden sank to grief, So dawn goes down to day. Nothing gold can stay.

Nature Journaling at Trails & Trilliums

This was a fun activity at the Friends of South Cumberland’s annual Trails & Trilliums spring festival that was held for the first time at DuBose Conference Center! Six participants (plus one sweet doggie) enjoyed making personal mementos of the

Nature Journaling at Trails & Trilliums

This was a fun activity at the Friends of South Cumberland’s annual Trails & Trilliums spring festival that was held for the first time at DuBose Conference Center! Six participants (plus one sweet doggie) enjoyed making personal mementos of the

Wildflower Season in Full Swing

Every woodland trail on the Domain and beyond has wildflowers popping out all over! This coming weekend, we have Trails and Trilliums. Meanwhile, we have herbarium hikes, followed by the Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage in the Smokies. A glorious, busy time!

Wildflower Season in Full Swing

Every woodland trail on the Domain and beyond has wildflowers popping out all over! This coming weekend, we have Trails and Trilliums. Meanwhile, we have herbarium hikes, followed by the Spring Wildflower Pilgrimage in the Smokies. A glorious, busy time!

So Many Pretties, So Little Time!

A short hike today in Sewanee’s Shakerag Hollow revealed a slew of beautiful wildflowers blooming their heads off: Toothwort, Little Sweet Betsy, Rue Anemone, Dutchman’s Breeches,and Bloodroot are at their height; Spring Beauty and Pepper-and-Salt beginning to fade. Just coming on:

So Many Pretties, So Little Time!

A short hike today in Sewanee’s Shakerag Hollow revealed a slew of beautiful wildflowers blooming their heads off: Toothwort, Little Sweet Betsy, Rue Anemone, Dutchman’s Breeches,and Bloodroot are at their height; Spring Beauty and Pepper-and-Salt beginning to fade. Just coming on:

Early Spring in Abbo’s Alley

The Abbott Cotten Martin Ravine Garden, so close to central campus, is a favorite place to while away a little time. It’s especially nice in early spring, when thousands of jonquils are blooming’ their hearts off! Here’s a brief history

Early Spring in Abbo’s Alley

The Abbott Cotten Martin Ravine Garden, so close to central campus, is a favorite place to while away a little time. It’s especially nice in early spring, when thousands of jonquils are blooming’ their hearts off! Here’s a brief history

Elderberry Project Highlighted on Farm Tour

Last Saturday, University Farm manager Carolyn Hoagland hosted a gathering of people interested in forming a “Friends of the University Farm” group, similar to our Friends of the Herbarium. In addition to touring the greenhouses, petting the goats, and generally

Elderberry Project Highlighted on Farm Tour

Last Saturday, University Farm manager Carolyn Hoagland hosted a gathering of people interested in forming a “Friends of the University Farm” group, similar to our Friends of the Herbarium. In addition to touring the greenhouses, petting the goats, and generally

Herbarium Terrarium

Lines Penned on Admiring the Lush, Green Addition to the Herbarium’s Window The Sewanee Herbarium Has its own terrarium! Our cabinets, cold and waterless, A contrast to this window-dress. Does its presence stir our specimens’ Memories of a greener day?

Herbarium Terrarium

Lines Penned on Admiring the Lush, Green Addition to the Herbarium’s Window The Sewanee Herbarium Has its own terrarium! Our cabinets, cold and waterless, A contrast to this window-dress. Does its presence stir our specimens’ Memories of a greener day?

Sweet Music!

Our All Things Bright and Beautiful art show at Stirling’s Coffee House was included on last weekend’s gallery tour. Participants were treated to the truly ethereal music provided by harpist Molly Malone. Thank you, Molly, for helping make our exhibit

Sweet Music!

Our All Things Bright and Beautiful art show at Stirling’s Coffee House was included on last weekend’s gallery tour. Participants were treated to the truly ethereal music provided by harpist Molly Malone. Thank you, Molly, for helping make our exhibit

Earliest Woodland Wildflowers

Here they come, just beginning to peek out! It looks like an ordinary winter day, doesn’t it? And a nice afternoon for a walk in Shakerag! But if you look closely, you’ll find the earliest wildflowers emerging. On this early

Earliest Woodland Wildflowers

Here they come, just beginning to peek out! It looks like an ordinary winter day, doesn’t it? And a nice afternoon for a walk in Shakerag! But if you look closely, you’ll find the earliest wildflowers emerging. On this early

Daffodil Daze — a Rite of Spring

Right now’s the time to head to Bell’s Cove to see the marvelous display of daffodils that fill a several-acre meadow and spill into the adjacent woodland and down the creek. There are literally thousands of plants, tens of thousands

Daffodil Daze — a Rite of Spring

Right now’s the time to head to Bell’s Cove to see the marvelous display of daffodils that fill a several-acre meadow and spill into the adjacent woodland and down the creek. There are literally thousands of plants, tens of thousands